Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rainbow Cake, Kue Unik Buatan Mahasiswa Amerika Serikat

Belakangan ini, rainbow cake atau bolu pelangi lagi naik daun di Indonesia. Bolu lapis warna-warni ini harganya terbilang lebih mahal dari bolu lapis dua warna yang sudah lebih dulu terkenal. Beragam variasi rainbow cake pun diciptakan banyak orang. Semakin unik dan lezat, harga yang ditawarkan pun semakin mahal.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Book Review: Jane Eyre

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A novel titled Jane Eyre is a great novel written by Charlotte Bronte. She was a British writer who not only wrote novels, but also stories and books of poetry collection with her sisters. Charlotte, the third child of six children of Patrick Bronte, was born on April 21st, 1816 in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. She was growing in Victorian England era. Her mother, Maria Branwell, was dead in 1821, a year after Charlotte and her family moved to Haworth. After her mother’s death, Charlotte was sent to Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School, which she described as the Lowood School in Jane Eyre novel, her first novel. Furthermore, the writing career of Charlotte is used to build her financial independence. She wrote both stories and novel by herself or duet with her sisters who also writers. The novels wrote by Charlotte are not only Jane Eyre, but also Shirley, Villette, and The Professor. Actually, Charlotte is not only a writer, but also a teacher. But, only her career as a writer could change her into a famous woman.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cara Mudah Mengembalikan Tampilan Web yang Terkena Deface/Hack

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Beberapa waktu lalu, saya kaget ketika melihat web sebuah organisasi dimana saya adalah adminnya berubah tampilan. Laman web tersebut berisi gambar sosok orang bertopeng dengan tulisan “This site was hacked by X”.
Segera saya login web tersebut, tapi selalu gagal. Bahkan, ketika saya menggunakan fasilitas forgot password, saya masih tidak bisa login. Itu tandanya, hacker sudah mengubah email dan password yang saya gunakan untuk login web itu.

Monday, November 12, 2012

British Life and Institution: Political System of UK #Summary

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The Political System

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a king/queen as its Head of State. The monarch has very little power and can only reign with the support of Parliament. In reality, the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has a true power. Although a bill must be supported by all three bodies, the House of Lords only has limited powers, and the monarch has not refused to sign one since the modern political system began over 200 years ago.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Book Review: The Great Gatsby (Chapter 1-3)

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I have read a great novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald titled The Great Gatsby.  When the first time I read it, immediately I was impressed by a saying on the second paragraph, that is, “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” This sentence that I love the most in Chapter 1 is explained by Nick in an opening paragraph. It was written there that it is advice given by Nick’s father in his younger and more vulnerable years. This quote, for me, is exactly related to my life. I realized that I often mad with someone and, whether directly or not, I always criticize them. But after I read this quote, whenever I am mad with someone, I remember this great quote and, believe it or not, it successes to calm me down.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

EUDC 2012, Exist in Young Age by Developing Critical Thinking

It’s an honor to become one of the committee of Edsa Undip Debating Competition (EUDC) 2012, one of big events held by Academic Department of English Department Students Association (EDSA) Diponegoro University. In this tiring yet so amazing event, I became a public relations director. My job was making sure that people can get information about this event and also finding some media partners for this event.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Penyesalan yang Tak Berarti

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Oleh: Nina Razan

Anggapan Orang Tua Tahu yang Terbaik untuk Anaknya rupanya memang benar. Aku saja yang terlambat memercayainya. Kini, semua telah terjadi. Keluarga besarku sudah tidak mau menerimaku lagi, termasuk kedua orang tuaku sendiri. Mungkin mereka sudah terlanjur sakit hati akibat perbuatan burukku tiga tahun yang lalu.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Right, "Just Write"!

It was Hasan, the General Manager of LPM Manunggal who phoned me in the afternoon and asked me to join “Just Write”, a national writing training which held by Diva Press, a major publisher from Yogyakarta. At first, I just like “What? Me?”, but he begged me to apply my essay for the selection of this event. He said that he believed this will be a good start for me to improve my writing skill, but I still doubt with my poor writing skill. Since we still couldn’t deal well, he asked me to come to LPM Manunggal’s editorial office to meet him.

Darahku Dalam Ragamu

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Oleh: Nina Razan

 “Siva,” panggil seseorang sembari menepuk pundak kananku.
Prak! Ponselku terjatuh. Casing berwarna pink yang membungkus baterai ponsel terlepas dan jatuh ke lantai.
“Ah!” aku berteriak.
“Siva. Sorry, Siv,”

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Merapi Lava Tour

Halo, semua!

Aku mau berbagi pengalaman saat singgah ke Yogyakarta nih! Jadi, beberapa hari yang lalu aku mengikuti Merapi Lava Tour bersama teman-temanku.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Akhir yang Tak Terduga

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Oleh: Nina Razan

Hari ini usiaku genap 17 tahun. Namun, aku belum mempunyai “gereget” sebagai remaja berusia 17 tahun. Entahlah, aku sendiri tak tahu apa penyebabnya, yang jelas aku tetaplah aku. Aku adalah seorang siswi SMA yang belum mengerti banyak tentang kehidupan, bahkan aku rasa aku belum bisa mandiri layaknya remaja seusiaku.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Garskin, Stiker Penghias Gadget

Belakangan ini, saya lihat orang-orang membawa gadget yang tampak cantik karena desain case-nya. Setelah saya lihat dari jarak dekat, ternyata gadget itu tidak memakai case bermotif melainkan stiker. Usut punya usut, saat ini sedang tren menghias gadget dengan garskin alias stiker yang menutupi permukaan gadget.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cross Cultural Understanding (Local) EDSA (ENG)

EDSA (English Department Students Association) is incredible! There’s always cool event held by EDSA. One of them is Cross Cultural Understanding, which was held at the Theatre Room, Faculty of Humanities, on May 14th. In this event, there are members of IKAMALA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Lampung) or Lampung Student Association and IKAMMI (Ikatan Mahasiswa Minang) or Minang Student Association which performing their culture. Cool!

Cross Cultural Understanding (Local) EDSA

EDSA (English Department Students Association) memang luar biasa! Ada aja acaranya keren yang diadain. Nah, salahsatunya ini nih, Cross Cultural Understanding yang digelar di Ruang Teater FIB tanggal 14 Mei lalu. Di acara ini, ada anak-anak IKAMALA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Lampung) dan IKAMMI (Ikatan Mahasiswa Minang) yang tampil mengenalkan budaya daerah mereka. Keren!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Peringatan Hari Kartini di Kampus Budaya

Selamat Hari Kartini, wanita Indonesia!

Tiga hari yang lalu, aku dan Mbak Yuyun akan meliput kegiatan peringatan Hari Kartini di kampusku tercinta, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Undip. Walaupun Mbak Yuyun anak FISIP, tapi boleh dong meliput di kampus budaya hehe.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Book Review: Dunia Sophie

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Judul               : Dunia Sophie
Genre              : Novel Fiksi
Penulis             : Jostein Gaarder
Penerbit           : PT Mizan Pustaka

Friday, April 6, 2012

Kota Semarang, Indonesia: Kampoeng Batik

Buat kalian para pecinta batik, pasti sudah sangat familiar dengan kampung batik yang ada di Pekalongan dan Solo. Namun, tahukah kalian jika ada kampung batik di Semarang?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kampanye Simpatik KeSEMaT di Kawasan Tugu Muda

Dokumentasi KeSEMaT

Pada Sabtu, 10 Maret lalu saya meliput Kampanye Simpatik yang diadakan oleh KeSEMaT (Kelompok Studi Ekosistem Mangrove Teluk Awur) di kawasan Tugu Muda. Kegiatan Kampanye Simpatik hari pertama ini diikuti oleh sekitar 100 peserta yang mayoritas berasal dari berbagai organisasi seperti Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa (BEM KM) Undip, LPM Manunggal, IKAMMI (Ikatan Mahasiswa Minang), Gafatar (Gerakan Fajar Nusantara), dan lain-lain.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Shokyuu: Kaiwa #Romaji

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Nina       : Sumimasen
Zee        : Hai, omatase shimashita
Nina       : Pan to tamago