Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rainbow Cake, Kue Unik Buatan Mahasiswa Amerika Serikat

Belakangan ini, rainbow cake atau bolu pelangi lagi naik daun di Indonesia. Bolu lapis warna-warni ini harganya terbilang lebih mahal dari bolu lapis dua warna yang sudah lebih dulu terkenal. Beragam variasi rainbow cake pun diciptakan banyak orang. Semakin unik dan lezat, harga yang ditawarkan pun semakin mahal.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Book Review: Jane Eyre

Picture taken from through

A novel titled Jane Eyre is a great novel written by Charlotte Bronte. She was a British writer who not only wrote novels, but also stories and books of poetry collection with her sisters. Charlotte, the third child of six children of Patrick Bronte, was born on April 21st, 1816 in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. She was growing in Victorian England era. Her mother, Maria Branwell, was dead in 1821, a year after Charlotte and her family moved to Haworth. After her mother’s death, Charlotte was sent to Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters' School, which she described as the Lowood School in Jane Eyre novel, her first novel. Furthermore, the writing career of Charlotte is used to build her financial independence. She wrote both stories and novel by herself or duet with her sisters who also writers. The novels wrote by Charlotte are not only Jane Eyre, but also Shirley, Villette, and The Professor. Actually, Charlotte is not only a writer, but also a teacher. But, only her career as a writer could change her into a famous woman.