Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cross Cultural Understanding (Local) EDSA (ENG)

EDSA (English Department Students Association) is incredible! There’s always cool event held by EDSA. One of them is Cross Cultural Understanding, which was held at the Theatre Room, Faculty of Humanities, on May 14th. In this event, there are members of IKAMALA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Lampung) or Lampung Student Association and IKAMMI (Ikatan Mahasiswa Minang) or Minang Student Association which performing their culture. Cool!

Cross Cultural Understanding (Local) EDSA

EDSA (English Department Students Association) memang luar biasa! Ada aja acaranya keren yang diadain. Nah, salahsatunya ini nih, Cross Cultural Understanding yang digelar di Ruang Teater FIB tanggal 14 Mei lalu. Di acara ini, ada anak-anak IKAMALA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Lampung) dan IKAMMI (Ikatan Mahasiswa Minang) yang tampil mengenalkan budaya daerah mereka. Keren!