Friday, August 2, 2013

Translation: Bahasa into English #1

Picture taken from through

Translate this passage into English!
Tom tiba di rumah dan menyadari bahwa ia telah lupa membawa kunci rumahnya. Ia membunyikan bel dan menunggu tetapi tak seorang pun datang untuk membukakan pintu. Ia berjalan mengelilingi rumah apakah ia bisa menemukan jendela yang terbuka tapi semuanya terkunci. Hari mulai hujan dan ia tidak tahu apa yang
harus dilakukannya. Jane, istrinya, jelas baru saja keluar dan Tom tidak tahu kapan ia akan kembali. Ia telah menunggunya selama lebih dari satu jam di depan pintu, tetapi tetap saja istrinya belum muncul. Kemudian ia berpikir, “Saya sebaiknya memecahkan jendela dapur sebelum basah kuyup”. Merasa kedinginan dan jengkel, ia memungut batu sebesar apel dan melemparkannya ke jendela dapur. Hanya dengan susah payah memanjat ia berhasil masuk rumah lewat jendela dapur itu. Tak lama setelah ia berada di kamar tamu, ia mendengar pintu depan terbuka. Istrinya telah pulang. Akhirnya, untuk mencegah istrinya tidak marah, ia berkata, “Saya sulit percaya bahwa saya melakukan hal setolol ini”.

Key to exercise:
Tom arrived at home and realized that he had forgotten to bring the key. He rang the bell and waited but nobody came to open the door. He walked around the house whether he could find an opened window but all of the windows were locked. It began to rain and he did not know what to do. Jane, his wife, had just gone out and Tom did not know when she would come back. He had already been waiting for her for more than an hour in front of the door, but his wife still did not come. Then he thought, “I had better break up the kitchen window before getting wet through”. Feeling cold and upset, he took an apple-sized stone and threw it at the kitchen window. Only by hard work, did he succeed to climb the kitchen window. No longer had he been in the living room then he hearing the front door opened. His wife had come home. Finally, in order to prevent his wife from being angry, he said, “I hardly believe that I have done this stupid thing”.

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