Thursday, October 24, 2013

Translation: Bahasa Indonesia into English #5

Picture taken from through

Translate this passage into English!
Dragon Green lulus dari fakultas teknik di universitas Melbourne pada usia 20 tahun, lalu bekerja untuk perusahaan asing selama kurang lebih tiga tahun. Ia memperoleh gaji begitu tinggi sehingga mampu membelikan sebuah rumah baru bagi pacarnya di kota asalnya. Bangunan rumah itu berukuran 750 m2 dan
harganya paling tidak 1,5 M rupiah. Semua kawannya merasa heran mengapa ia bisa begitu kaya dalam waktu sesingkat itu. Di samping itu, ia mampu pula membeli sebuah Ferari sebelum menandatangani sertifikat rumah barunya di depan notaris. Tidak hanya rumah dan mobil yang mampu dibelinya tetapi juga perhiasan dalam jumlah yang cukup besar. Namun, dua hari belakangan ini ia dicari-cari dua orang yang mengaku kawan lamanya. Sambil meninggalkan kartu nama, mereka berkata kepada tetangga Dragon agar melipunnya manakala orang yang dicarinya itu ada di rumahnya. Atas kebaikan yang dilakukan itu, mereka berjanji akan memberi imbalan uang. Tahukah anda? Tiba-tiba Dragon muncul di akhir pekan ini tepat pada waktu maghrib. Apa yang ada di benak tetangga itu adalah lembaran uang maka dengan segera ia memutar nomor tilpun milik dua kawan Dragon itu. Dua orang asing itu tiba di rumah Dragon tepat ketika ia akan menstarter Ferari barunya. Salah seorang darinya berteriak dengan suara keras: “Berhenti! Dragon, kamu ditahan.” Dragon benar-benar mati kutu, ia sedikit bengong lalu bertanya: “Ada apa? Apa yang kau cari?” Kedua orang itu tak ambil peduli lalu memborgolnya. Tetangganya itu memperoleh 500 ribu rupiah tetapi ia merasa sedih karena menyadari bahwa sebenarnya ia merasa iri hati terhadap Dragon yang belum tentu bersalah dan berakhir tragis dengan karirnya.

Translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English:

Dragon Green graduated from the Faculty of Engineering at Melbourne University at the age of 20. Then, he worked for the foreign company for at least three years. He obtained such a high salary that he could buy a new house for his girlfriend in his hometown. The size of the building is 750 m2 and its price costs around 1.5 billion rupiahs.  All of his friends wondered why he could be so rich in such a short time. Besides that, he afforded to buy a Ferrari prior to sign the certificate of his new house in front of a notary. He not only afforded to buy a house and a car, but also jewelry in large quantities. However, two days later he was wanted by two men who claim themselves as his old friends. As they left a business card, they said to Dragon’s neighbor to call them whenever Dragon is in his house. In return for the kindness that she did, they promised to give her a reward of money. Do you know? Suddenly, Dragon appeared in this weekend at the dusk time. What in the mind of his neighbor was money, then she immediately called the number that belongs to two friends of Dragon. The two strangers arrived at Dragon’s house just as he was about to start his new Ferrari. One of them shouted in a loud voice, "Stop! Dragon, you are under arrest". Dragon was totally helpless, he was a little stunned and asked, "What is it? What are you looking for?" The two men did not care, then they handcuffed him. Dragon’s neighbor got 500 thousand rupiahs, but she felt sad as she realized that actually she felt jealous at Dragon who was not certainly wrong and ended up tragically with his career.

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