Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Translation: Bahasa Indonesia into English #3

Picture taken from through
Translate this passage into English!
Johny sudah mengitari Citra Land Mall tiga kali tetapi dia belum menemukan ruang kosong untuk memarkir mobilnya. Kemudian dia memutuskan untuk berhenti di bawah pohon di depan rumah penduduk. Dia memarkir mobilnya di situ setelah memperoleh ijin dari pemilik rumah itu.

“Kami tidak dapat menjamin keselamatan mobil anda, tetapi anda boleh memarkirnya di sini atas resiko sendiri,” kata pemilik rumah itu.
Johny menggangguk dan berpikir bahwa sebaiknya dia tidak memberitahu petugas parkir yang sedang bertugas di dekat tempat itu dengan harapan agar dia bisa parkir gratis. Bahkan dia sengaja bertingkah seolah-olah sebagai tamu yang mengunjungi rumah itu. Pemilik rumah sebenarnya tidak suka akan perilaku Johny, namun sayang sekali dia hanya mengomel di belakang dan tak pernah memberitahukan hal itu kepadanya.

Ketika pulang dari belanja, mobil Johny rusak. Dia berusaha memperbaikinya dan makan waktu yang cukup lama. Sebenarnya, dia harus mengikuti ujian kurang lebih satu jam lagi. Karena merasa tidak tahan menunggu lebih lama lagi, maka dia memanggil dua petugas parkir yang sedang berada di tempat itu. Setelah memberi lembaran Rp 10.000 dan beberapa instruksi agar dilaksanakan oleh petugas parkir itu, Johny naik ke mobilnya. Mesin Toyota kuno itu mulai hidup setelah didorong oleh dua orang itu. Ini adalah ongkos parkir termahal yang pernah dibayar oleh Johny sepanjang hidupnya.

Translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English:
Johny has been going around Citra Land Mall for three times, but he did not find an empty space to park his car yet. Then, he decided to stop under a tree in front of resident's house. He parked his car there after obtaining permission from the owner of the house.
"We cannot guarantee the safety of your car, but you may park your car here at your own risk," said the owner of the house.
Johnny nodded and thought that he should not tell the parking attendant who was on duty near the place in the hope that he could park for free. He even deliberately acts like a guest who visited the house. Actually, the owner of the house does not really like Johny’s behavior, but unfortunately she was just nag behind his back and never told him about it.
When he went back from shopping, Johny’s car was broken. He tried to fix it for quite a long time. Actually, he might take an examination in about an hour. Feeling could not stand to wait any longer, so he called out two parking attendants who were at the place. After giving 10,000 rupiahs and some instructions to be done by the parking attendants, Johnny got to his car. The ancient Toyota engine began to work after being pushed by two men. This is the most expensive parking fees ever paid by Johny throughout his life.

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